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Illuminate Series Begins

Tim Ternes will present his insight on sharing The Saint John's Bible

The Heritage Program is excited to announce its new Illuminate Series.  This online lecture and webinar program allows Saint John’s and other institutions to share the best practices of using The Saint John’s Bible in academics, worship, healthcare, fine arts, and community outreach.

Our first featured speaker is Tim Ternes.  Tim is the director of The Saint John’s Bible and has spoken on a variety of Saint John’s Bible-related topics to audiences around the world.

Tim will present his best practices in sharing The Saint John’s Bible in a two-part presentation.

Part one will be a video recording of Tim’s presentation at Wayzata Community Church in Minnesota.  Saint John’s will make this YouTube video available to subscribers no later than Thursday morning, September 24.  The link will be posted on our website and distributed through this blog.

Part two of his presentation will be a live webinar at 2 PM, on that same day—September 24.  During the webinar, Tim will answer your questions about sharing The Saint John’s Bible. If you plan to register for the afternoon webinar, you are encouraged to first watch Tim’s talk posted on YouTube.

Finally, if you have any questions about the Illuminate Series, please don’t hesitate to contact the Heritage Program at