Welcome to our Heritage Program video gallery. Scroll down to view videos about the Heritage Edition, the original manuscript, and our stewards in a variety of different settings.
Welcome to our Heritage Program video gallery. Scroll down to view videos about the Heritage Edition, the original manuscript, and our stewards in a variety of different settings.
The Heritage Program’s very own Meghan Stretar had the chance to join Nicolas Vergier, IFCU Partnerships Manager and Carolyn Pirtle, Program Director of the Notre Dame Center for Liturgy, for a webinar hosted by the International Federation of Catholic Universities (IFCU) titled “A Conversation with a Saint John’s Bible Steward.” Together, they discuss how the University of Notre Dame has used the Heritage Edition to ignite the spiritual imaginations of and foster deep connections among students, faculty, children, and the community of South Bend, IN.
“It’s amazing the kind of questions and comments that an encounter with the illuminations will prompt,” said Pirtle.
The Saint John’s Bible was featured on a PBS NewsHour story that told the tale of the project’s creation, and now, its life. As the first handwritten manuscript crafted since the invention of the printing press, The Saint John’s Bible unites people of all faith journeys with its immaculate artistry and painstaking craft.
Watch ‘The Story Behind the Story’ a conversation in which creative director of The Saint John’s Bible Donald Jackson, Fr. Eric Hollas, OSB, and Tim Ternes discuss what it took to bring the project from an idea to a touchable masterpiece that has been shared around the world.
The Heritage Edition is the only full-size illuminated fine art edition of the original Saint John’s Bible. Approximately one-half of the 299 limited editions have been acquired by universities, churches, libraries, hospitals and families across many faith traditions. This video shows how these 7-volume sets are being shared with communities around the world.
Tim Ternes, Director of The Saint John’s Bible, gives advice on the handling, storage, sharing, and display of The Saint John’s Bible Heritage Edition volumes.
The Saint John’s Bible was commissioned by the monks of Saint John’s Abbey in Collegeville, Minnesota. It is the first hand written, hand illuminated Bible of its kind in 500 years. This segment is from The Church Alive, a fast-paced, segmented and interactive show hosted by Cheridan Sanders and Sebastian Gomes of S+L. Exciting and inspiring, this show highlights the broad and inclusive nature of Catholicism by sharing perspectives and stories on the New Evangelization in the Church today.
Saint Alphonsus Regional Medical Center in Boise receives a volume of the Heritage Edition of The Saint John’s Bible. As a symbolic gesture, the night shift staff in each hospital department are the first to see the volume as the hospital kicks-off its Year With The Saint John’s Bible.
Award-winning projection artist Nina Dunn created visuals based on Donald Jackson’s illustrations from The Saint John’s Bible. These dynamic and vibrant visuals are projected onto the iconic east window of St Martin-in-the-Fields church throughout the performance.
The Saint John’s Bible Heritage Program | Saint John’s University | PO Box 7222 | Collegeville, MN 56321
Phone: (320) 363-3209 | Email: sjbheritage@csbsju.edu
View main site at saintjohnsbible.org
Copyright © 2024 Saint John’s University. All Saint John’s Bible images used in this blog are the property of Saint John’s University, Collegeville, Minnesota. All rights reserved.