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Eleven members of The Saint John’s Bible team (including the benefactors of this Bible) were present at Windsor Castle to present the Dedication page to the Royal Library.

A Bible Fit for a King and Queen

September 20, 2024 Blog Article

London, England – Their Majesties King Charles III and Queen Camilla have accepted the gift of a rare, full-size, seven-volume Heritage Edition set of The Saint John’s Bible. The seven-volume set now resides in the Royal Library within Windsor Castle. A Dedication page was added to the first volume… Read More

People, Pilgrimage, and Pomp

September 15, 2024 Blog Article

As is only possible when looking back on an experience, I can say with great confidence that this latest adventure with The Saint John’s Bible was even more intriguing and meaningful than I expected—and my expectations were very high.    But first, a bit of context… Read More

Susan Sink in her home. Photo for MPR News. AP Photo/The St. Cloud Times, Jun-Kai Teoh

The Women of The Saint John’s Bible: In Memory of Susan Sink

September 12, 2024 Blog Article

Susan Sink, the author of The Art of The Saint John’s Bible: A Complete Reader’s Guide, among other works, passed away in August 2024 after years of living with ovarian cancer. Sink’s work touched many lives across the world, and especially those in the Saint Benedict and Saint… Read More

Sarah Harris and Donald Jackson unwrap an illumination by calligrapher Hazel Dolby.

The Women of The Saint John’s Bible: Studio Manager Sarah Harris

August 15, 2024 Blog Article

Every great piece of art needs a showrunner. This is one of the most multifaceted, technically and artistically challenging jobs in the world. For every logistical detail executed flawlessly, there are infinite artistic inclinations that brought that detail to life with the utmost precision. It takes exacting material finesse… Read More

Online Resources for The Saint John’s Bible

August 12, 2024 Blog Article

As the final weeks of summer fade and autumn invites us to sink back into our routines, many parishes, academic institutions, and organizations of all kinds are beginning to make plans for the fall semester of life.   To help you reignite your programming regarding The Saint… Read More

Valley of the Dry Bones, illumination by Donald Jackson for The Saint John's Bible

What Unites Us? A Look Back to the End of the Beginning

August 10, 2024 Blog Article

When Rob Culligan addressed a gathering of people who worked on The Saint John’s Bible and the Heritage Edition on April 26, 2013, it was a momentous occasion – printing of the 299 Heritage Edition sets of The Saint John’s Bible had just been completed. This was an endeavor… Read More

Jo White in the Scriptorium Studio in Wales, burnishing a gold detail on the final “Amen” page of The Saint John’s Bible at the time of its official completion and handover in 2013.

The Mother of The Saint John’s Bible: Alice Joan “Jo” White

July 18, 2024 Blog Article

On a windy November day in the final years of the 20th century, renowned calligrapher Donald Jackson and Father Eric Hollas, OSB of Saint John’s Abbey in Collegeville, Minnesota sat in a Chicago restaurant during the lunch hour. The pair had just finished a joint presentation on calligraphy at… Read More

“The Year of the Bible”: The Unifying Power of Community and The Saint John’s Bible at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Tallahassee, Florida

July 18, 2024 Blog Article

Tallahassee, Florida — Community is fundamentally about shared space — physical, emotional and spiritual. It’s the bond that forms among people and their surroundings that fosters mutual understanding and support. The connection bridging one’s gaze and the vellum pages of The Saint John’s Bible embodies this space, capturing one’s attention… Read More

The Saint John’s Bible Heritage Edition at the University of Dayton, Ohio.

Three Reasons Why Every Catholic University Should Have a Heritage Edition of The Saint John’s Bible

July 18, 2024 Blog Article

Through its intersection of faith, art, and academia, the Heritage Edition of The Saint John’s Bible inspires deep reverence and scholarly enrichment in students, scholars, faculty, staff, and the surrounding community of any college or university.  Printed on cotton, hand-bound in Italian calfskin leather,… Read More

Rev. Dr. John F. Ross, Executive Director

JourneyNote: Instrument of Thy Peace

May 17, 2024 Blog Article

He was barely 40 years old when he died, yet every practicing Catholic knows his name and can likely recite one of his well-known quotes or tell one of the many compelling stories from his life.  Born to wealthy merchants Pietro and Pica Bernardone, his baptismal name was Giovanni but… Read More

Photo courtesy of the Franciscan Renewal Center: The Casa lies at the heart of Paradise Valley, under the protective gaze of Camelback Mountain.

Intergenerational, Ecumenical, and Interruptive: The Franciscan Renewal Center’s 10 Years with The Saint John’s Bible Heritage Edition

May 15, 2024 Blog Article

Scottsdale, Arizona — In times of both strife and joy, many people turn to spirituality to find their path forward. At the Franciscan Renewal Center, affectionately referred to as “The Casa,” leaders of spiritual thought who aid in this work are in abundance. Centered in the concept of renewal, leaders… Read More

Photo courtesy of The Basilica of Saint Mary: Exterior of The Basilica in Minneapolis, Minnesota

The Basilica of Saint Mary Welcomes a Heritage Edition of The Saint John’s Bible

May 13, 2024 Blog Article

Minneapolis, Minnesota – Those who are lucky enough to be in the orbit of Michael O’Connell, retired Rector at The Basilica of Saint Mary in Minneapolis, Minnesota, know that he is a man who embodies integrity. He lives his ethos every day with his unrelenting commitment to community aid and… Read More

Sally Mae Joseph, scribe of The Saint John’s Bible, uses her quill and pen knife to write a passage of The Saint John’s Bible, mirroring that of a medieval scribe (1:52).

From Feathers to Script: How to Craft the Perfect Quill with Tim Ternes, Director of The Saint John’s Bible at the Hill Museum & Manuscript Library

May 10, 2024 Blog Article

Ancient texts endure the passage of time due to deliberate craftsmanship and the meticulous tools employed during their creation, underscoring the rationale behind their resilience. Even so, while The Saint John’s Bible was completed in contemporary times and stands as a modern masterpiece, its production mirrors methods from centuries past… Read More

JourneyNote: When, Lord, Will You Be Done with Me?

April 18, 2024 Blog Article

Our guest writer is Fr. Eric Hollas, OSB, Prior of Saint John’s Abbey.  Fr. Eric is the person to whom Donald Jackson originally brought the idea of creating The Saint John’s Bible.  Since that infamous meeting in 1995, Fr. Eric has tirelessly worked to ignite the spiritual imagination of people around… Read More

Vision, Collaboration, and Legacy: Rob Culligan’s Journey with The Saint John’s Bible

April 15, 2024 Blog Article

Collegeville, Minnesota – The year was 1996 and big things were stirring behind the scenes at Saint John’s University and Abbey. The idea was ambitious: to create a contemporary, handwritten, illuminated Bible that would eventually be known as The Saint John’s Bible. For a project as monumental as… Read More

Sarum College Uses The Saint John’s Bible Heritage Edition to Ignite the Spiritual Imagination in the Classroom and Beyond

April 15, 2024 Blog Article

Salisbury, England — At Sarum College, a theological college with Renaissance-era ancestry located in Salisbury, England, the Written Word of God stands at the center of academic life and the college’s mission to nourish the human spirit. So, naturally, when the news came that a Heritage Edition set of… Read More

Easter Sunday at Canterbury Cathedral: Heritage Edition of The Saint John’s Bible is Adorned with Special Bookmark

April 14, 2024 Blog Article

Canterbury, Kent, England – The Gospel was proclaimed from a Heritage Edition of The Saint John’s Bible during Canterbury Cathedral’s Easter Sunday eucharist. If you are located in the U.S., you can watch the full service, here. If you are located in the United Kingdom, you can… Read More

Photo: Morning prayer in the Oratory at the House of Prayer.

The Sound of Community During the Lenten Season: Chant in the Episcopal House of Prayer

March 15, 2024 Blog Article

Collegeville, Minnesota – Finding a physical space for spiritual connection is just as important as creating that space within oneself. Spaces of this sort allow people to bring their whole selves into the equation. Especially for contemplative seekers, finding a sacred place to pause one’s rhythm, find rest,… Read More

Actively Creating an Impact for Good: The Culvers’ Journey to Sharing The Saint John’s Bible

March 15, 2024 Blog Article

Eventually, we all face this question: What was the impact of my life? Did I leave the world a better place than I found it?  Some take their last breath not knowing the answer to that question.   And there are others who actively push themselves… Read More

Director Brad Neary stands in front of all seven Heritage Edition volumes at the 2024 EPN Conference.

JourneyNote: The 2024 Episcopal Parish Network Conference

March 14, 2024 Blog Article

When asked to write about my experiences with the Heritage Edition of The Saint John’s Bible, I am always hopeful that my muses will kick in and offer me a creative theme to use in structuring my thoughts.  Sometimes the inspiration will appear in the form of a catchy title. … Read More


February 26, 2024 Blog Article

Wondering what the Heritage Program is up to? Reference the list below to see where The Saint John’s Bible Heritage Program is off to ignite spiritual imaginations next. Events with Heritage Program August 14-18, 2023: Parliament of the World’s Religions, Chicago, IL September 20, 2023:… Read More

JourneyNote: Lenten Margins

February 21, 2024 Blog Article

margin (mar·​gin)  NOUN 1: the part of a page or sheet outside the main body of printed or written matter 2: a spare amount or measure or degree allowed or given for contingencies or special situations You wouldn’t drive 65 miles per hour on Interstate Highway 94 with your front bumper only… Read More

One heritage edition of The Saint John's Bible lays open on display

Sharing The Saint John’s Bible Heritage Edition During Lenten Season Sparks Conversations

February 20, 2024 Blog Article

On February 14, many communities of faith began the season of Lent – 40 days dedicated to preparing for Easter Sunday, which will occur on Sunday, March 31, 2024.  In one such circumstance, St. Michael’s Episcopal Church located in Colorado Springs, Colorado, Lent offers… Read More

Sacro Speco as pictured in January 2024. Photo by The Rev. Dr. John F. Ross.

Connecting the Benedictine Preservation of Ancient Texts and The Saint John’s Bible

February 16, 2024 Blog Article

Permanently embedded along the rock face of Monte Taleo near Subiaco, Italy, the Sanctuary of Sacro Speco has remained a holy place of worship since the… Read More

Meghan Stretar, Assistant Director of The Saint John’s Bible Heritage Program, presents The Saint John’s Bible Heritage Edition to the Sisters of Saint Benedict at St. Scholastica Convent.

From Student to Teacher: Celebrating Meghan Stretar, Assistant Director of the Heritage Program

January 24, 2024 Blog Article

Collegeville, Minnesota – One’s first encounter with The Saint John’s Bible is truly a defining experience. Whether it happens by plan or by chance, there is no denying the impact that The Saint John’s Bible can leave on those who open up their hearts and minds to experiencing it. For… Read More

JourneyNote: Italy in Three Acts

January 22, 2024 Blog Article

January 18th, 2024 – The Womb of Benedictine Monasticism: Subiaco, Italy  This morning at the Sacro Speco (Sacred Cave) high above Subiaco, Italy…a small miracle unfolded before our eyes. There must have been one million birds flying in over the hills of Subiaco in murmuration.  … Read More

Photo by Peter Langdown: Seekers experience The Saint John’s Bible Heritage Edition at Salisbury Cathedral in Salisbury, England.

What to Expect for the Heritage Program in 2024

January 21, 2024 Blog Article

The Heritage Program had much to celebrate in 2023. In just the past 12 months… Eight institutions or individuals welcomed a Heritage Edition and two new institutions welcomed an Apostles Edition into their faith communities or homes;   Thousands participated in various stops on the Dedication Tour to England… Read More

Photo: The Children’s Bible rests on display in front of one volume of The Saint John’s Bible Heritage Edition.

What We Learn from Our Children: Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration’s Children’s Edition of The Saint John’s Bible

December 17, 2023 Blog Article

Dallas, Texas – It was Nelson Mandela who said, “There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children.”    The question of how best to care for and nourish our children’s souls has evolved over the… Read More

A Simply Extraordinary Week in England: The 25th Anniversary Dedication Tour, Part II

December 16, 2023 Blog Article

This article is the second installation in a two-part series telling the story of the 25th Anniversary Dedication Tour. Click here to read part I.   England, United Kingdom – At 4:45 p.m. on November 8th, 2023, a group of 50 artists, theologians, and… Read More

Leaving a Legacy That Lasts: How to Gift a Heritage Edition

December 10, 2023 Blog Article

Printed on cotton, hand-bound in Italian calfskin leather, and limited to just 299 seven-volume sets, The Saint John’s Bible Heritage Edition is a rare masterwork, possessed of the same breathtaking power to ignite the spiritual imagination as the original manuscript, which was completed over an 11-year period. Read More

Photo: The entire Dedication Tour group poses for a photo at Salisbury Cathedral in front of a Heritage Edition. Dan Whalen is pictured to the left of the Bishop of Salisbury, the Most Reverend Stephen Lake.

JourneyNote: A “Red Letter” Year

December 9, 2023 Blog Article

Hand-written, illuminated manuscripts from medieval times are the precursors of The Saint John’s Bible.  Most of them were never finished and many of the medieval Bible manuscripts we enjoy today are missing pages or entire sections—such as the Winchester Bible, upon which Donald Jackson based the design… Read More

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby moments after handing his crosier to Abbot John Klassen of Saint John’s Abbey.

JourneyNote: Hospitality by Hook or Crook

November 20, 2023 Blog Article

Most religions are brimming with symbols, rituals, and vestments but few so much as the Anglican tradition.  From mitres to bedazzled stoles; from burning incense to processional crosses — Anglicans know how to do high church like few others.  The “smells and bells” are a… Read More

Dan Whalen (second from right) enjoys a lecture given by expert on medieval manuscripts Christopher de Hamel at Sarum College during The 25th Anniversary Dedication Tour.

How an Idea Became a Masterpiece: The Whalens’ Contributions to The Saint John’s Bible

November 19, 2023 Blog Article

The Saint John’s Bible Heritage Program is celebrating 25 years since Saint John’s Abbey and University commissioned Donald Jackson, world-renowned calligrapher and scribe to Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, to serve as Artistic Director over the creation of The Saint John’s Bible. The anniversary has… Read More

A Simply Extraordinary Week in England: The 25th Anniversary Dedication Tour, Part 1

November 17, 2023 Blog Article

England, United Kingdom – It is Sunday, November 5th at 10:30 a.m. in Salisbury, England. There is still morning dew on the grass outside of Salisbury Cathedral, and the energy inside the building’s walls is palpable. The Service of the Holy Eucharist is about to commence, and the… Read More

Director Brad Neary holds a volume of The Saint John's Bible Apostles Edition during the Dedication Ceremony at Washington National Cathedral.

JourneyNote: Reflections on the Dedication of an Apostles Edition at Washington National Cathedral

October 19, 2023 Blog Article

Nearly two days have passed since I processed out of Washington National Cathedral’s Great Choir at the conclusion of this past Sunday’s Choral Evensong. During this special service, a rare Apostles Edition of The Saint John’s Bible was presented and dedicated “to be set apart for the service of Christ’s… Read More

Washington National Cathedral Welcomes Rare Apostles Edition of The Saint John’s Bible

October 18, 2023 Blog Article

Washington, D.C. – There are – and only ever will be – 12 Apostles Editions of The Saint John’s Bible to ever exist. Due to the historic and long-lasting nature of an Apostles Edition,  communities that welcome this canonical work of sacred art and scripture into their lives… Read More

Illumination from The Saint John’s Bible, titled “To the Ends of the Earth”

Maureen Briare Composes a Cosmic Hymn for the University of Portland

September 18, 2023 Blog Article

Portland, Oregon – People often experience art and faith in similar ways. Both ignite a sense of spiritual awareness and creativity within oneself. The Saint John’s Bible is no exception, inviting seekers to explore faith from a new perspective.   One illumination from… Read More

Brad Neary at All Saints’ Episcopal Church in Phoenix, Arizona.

Celebrating 10 Years with Brad Neary, Director of The Saint John’s Bible Heritage Program

September 15, 2023 Blog Article

Seattle, Washington – Though it’s not something we consider often, there are many different kinds of understanding in this world. Some ways of understanding live in the mind, as logic and reason do. And then there’s that other kind – that kind of wisdom that lives… Read More

JourneyNote: Don’t Forget the “One”

September 14, 2023 Blog Article

Truly I tell you, just as you did it to ONE of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.  (Matthew 25:40) An often-forgotten word in scripture is the word “one” from the passage above.  Frequently I hear people quote this passage saying,… Read More

What You Missed This Summer: Website Updates

August 22, 2023 Blog Article

This summer, The Saint John’s Bible Heritage Program has completed some exciting updates to its website in an effort to expand its vision of igniting the spiritual imagination of communities across the world. Summers can get pretty busy for a lot of folks, so if you haven’t noticed some of… Read More

Donald Jackson inspects a proof of what would become a page in The Saint John’s Bible Heritage Edition.

The Magic Behind Creation: John Roberts Printing Company’s Monumental 8-Year Endeavor to Print the Heritage Editions

August 20, 2023 Blog Article

Coon Rapids, Minnesota – The year is 2006, and, unbeknownst to the world at large, some of the world’s greatest artists, calligraphers, and printers have come together to discuss what would become one of the greatest artistic and technological endeavors of the new millennium: reproducing 299 full-scale, true-to-form renditions of… Read More

The Heritage Program team at the Parliament of the World's Religions.

The Saint John’s Bible at the 2023 Parliament of the World’s Religions Conference

August 19, 2023 Blog Article

Chicago, Illinois – Attendees from all around the world gathered together between August 14-18 at the 2023 Parliament of the World’s Religions to “answer a call to conscience.” This year, The Saint John’s Bible Heritage Program attended the Convening as a sponsor, hosting a booth where three volumes were… Read More

Meghan Stretar, Assistant Director of The Saint John’s Bible, Heritage Edition, answers questions for event attendees.

JourneyNote: Voices Entwined – Reflections on Interfaith Unity

August 18, 2023 Blog Article

Without realizing it, the rhythm of my childhood was centered around the Catholic liturgical schedule: Mass at 8 am every Sunday, preparing for the annual Christmas concert in elementary school, no meat on Fridays during Lent, and Holy Days of Obligation. More often than not, I had a Catholic hymn… Read More

St. John’s Episcopal Church on a winter day in Essex, Connecticut.

Taking A Year by Storm: The Saint John’s Bible at St. John’s Episcopal Church

July 19, 2023 Blog Article

Essex, Connecticut – It was no surprise to The Reverend Kate Wesch how quickly her congregation at St. John’s Episcopal Church connected with The Saint John’s Bible. Located along the Connecticut shoreline, halfway between New York City and Boston, Essex is an area filled with art museums,… Read More

Dr. Bob O’Connor presents the Heritage Edition to a group of students and faculty at St. Mary’s University in San Antonio, Texas.

How We Meet Each Other: Dr. Bob O’Connor Uses the Heritage Edition to Inspire Deep Spiritual Connection at St. Mary’s University

July 18, 2023 Blog Article

San Antonio, Texas – When experiencing conflict between friends, colleagues, or even internal conflict within one’s self, help can sometimes feel hard to come by. It is not often that there is a designated person to turn to for support or even a space to explore the emotions involved. This… Read More

United States map and an outlines road trip route.

Travel like an Apostle: 12 Locations Across the United States to Visit with The Saint John’s Bible

July 17, 2023 Blog Article

The Saint John’s Bible harbors a generous mission “to ignite the spiritual imagination of people around the world.” With 118 locations across the United States, every day, year-in, and year-out, the unique experience of The Saint John’s Bible is connecting with people and their communities far and wide. How The… Read More

JourneyNote: Road Trip Realization

July 16, 2023 Blog Article

Dear friends and stewards of the Heritage Program, My travels this past month did not include any official “Bible Business” but rather some personal trips that added up to nearly 3,000 miles and 40 hours of windshield time.  I love road trips—alone on business, with family for special occasions, or… Read More

The Saint John's Bible is presented at Baylor University Graduation

JourneyNote: The Gift of Graduation

June 13, 2023 Blog Article

When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. (Acts 2:1) We were all together in one place the first (and last) time.  There was a palpable spirit among us and many different languages were spoken — yet all understood.  Amazed and astonished, we came… Read More

The Saint John's Bible is opened up behind a glass wall

An Invitation for Healing: The Saint John’s Bible at Saint Alphonsus Health System

June 10, 2023 Blog Article

Boise, Idaho – When a patient enters a hospital in need of medical support, they are more than a body in need of healing. They are also a soul, an ever-evolving consciousness, and somebody’s loved one. Just as the meaning of The Saint John’s Bible itself is greater than the… Read More

The Codex Sassoon

A Matrimony of the Old and New

June 5, 2023 Blog Article

University Park, Texas – There is a power in witnessing two of the most sacred historical texts side by side in one single glance. The vibrant pages of The Saint John’s Bible Heritage Edition’s illumination titled “Vision of New Jerusalem,” resting open beside the fragile, sepia-toned pages of… Read More

Sister Karen from Saint Benedict Monastery has a corsage put on her

Saint Benedict’s Monastery Welcomes Their 18th Prioress

June 4, 2023 Blog Article

Saint Joseph, Minnesota – On June 4th, 2023, Sister Karen Rose was officially installed as the 18th prioress of Saint Benedict’s Monastery in Saint Joseph, Minnesota. The installation, which occurred at the monastery’s historic Sacred Heart Chapel, marked the beginning of Sister Karen’s six-year term as prioress. Read More

Congregation members page through The Saint John's Bible

JourneyNote: Welcome to Sharing the Word

May 9, 2023 Blog Article

Dear friends and stewards of the Heritage Program, Welcome to our new monthly e-newsletter, Sharing the Word! We’re excited to bring you this compilation of the ways The Saint John’s Bible continues to ignite the spiritual imagination of people around the world. Here’s what you can expect to find… Read More

From left to right - Mabel Jackson, Donald Jackson, and Reverend John Ross stand before the Canterbury Cathedral.

The Saint John’s Bible Goes Home: Introducing the 25th Anniversary Dedication Tour

May 7, 2023 Blog Article

England, United Kingdom – In honor of the 25th anniversary of the commissioning of The Saint John’s Bible, the Heritage Program is announcing a pilgrimage through some of the most renowned Anglican institutions across England. It is only appropriate that the tour takes… Read More

An illumination featured in The Saint John's Bible Heritage Edition.

Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Commissioning of The Saint John’s Bible

May 5, 2023 Blog Article

Collegeville, Minnesota – Since it was commissioned 25 years ago, The Saint John’s Bible has touched millions of people around the world. Completed in 2011, it inspires. It heals. And, to its original intent, it brings people together. It’s this spirit – the spirit of bringing people together – that… Read More

Worshipers observe a Heritage Edition of The Saint John's Bible

Pepperdine University Illuminates the Word on Good Friday

May 1, 2023 Blog Article

Malibu, California – Quietly walking into Stauffer Chapel with the gentle morning sun to their backs, Good Friday worshipers at Pepperdine University held an array of feelings in their hearts. Good Friday is a day of tension for modern worshippers, balancing the deep feelings of grief that come… Read More

The Saint John’s Bible at Home in Galveston

March 15, 2023 Blog Article

Trinity Episcopal Church in Galveston, Texas, is home to many artistic treasures. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, its Tiffany stained-glass windows are a testament to its renown. Among the treasures are the seven volumes of the Heritage Edition of  The Saint John’s Bible, which the congregation received… Read More

Planting Letters and Weaving Lines: Calligraphy in Conversation with The Saint John’s Bible

February 15, 2023 Blog Article

Jonathan Homrighausen with The Saint John’s Bible. Jonathan Homrighausen, a doctoral candidate in Hebrew Bible at Duke University, has recently released his second book, Planting Letters and Weaving Lines. The book illuminates how the beauty and artistry of the calligraphy in The Saint John’s Bible’s handwritten Scripture elevates the rich… Read More

Illuminations Plant the Seed

January 25, 2023 Blog Article

The Right Reverend John Klassen, OSB, PhD, has many roles as abbot of Saint John’s Abbey. One such role, aided by the help of The Saint John’s Bible illuminations: inspiring epiphanies. Leading retreats on the Saint John’s campus for any interested parties has allowed him to watch participants suddenly view… Read More

A Memory of Pope Benedict

January 5, 2023 Blog Article

I never met Pope Benedict, but it was just as well. I would not have known what to say, and so I was more than content to know him as most people did — from afar. However, I did participate in one conversation with the scholar-pope, though it came indirectly… Read More

Christmas 2022 – Family Matters

December 21, 2022 Blog Article

Dear Friends, On behalf of The Saint John’s Bible Heritage Program, we wish you and yours a blessed Christmas and a healthy new year. We offer this brief video reflection as a reminder that we are all part of one human family—God’s beloved family. And as we see in the… Read More

Spreading Joy to the World

December 14, 2022 Blog Article

This week Christians light the Shepherd candle symbolizing the JOY the world experienced with the birth of Jesus. We hear the word joy often during Advent in both scripture and song. The shepherds received good news of great joy and—then and now—it resounds around us. Among our Stewards spreading joy… Read More

Lights Out in Bethlehem

December 7, 2022 Blog Article

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overtake it.  (John 1:5)   I was born in Bethlehem… (wait for it) …Pennsylvania.  June 5, 1967. On that day, two significant things happened that impacted millions of people: 1. Darkness—there was a massive power outage on the… Read More

Hope, Handel, and The Saint John’s Bible

November 30, 2022 Blog Article

Advent Greetings, “For unto us a child is born…” What comes to mind when you read these words from the Prophet Isaiah?  There are many possibilities… Perhaps you are among the minority of Christians who attend worship on Christmas Day, when Isaiah 9:2-7 is… Read More

It’s Not a Book Until It’s Bound

November 17, 2022 Blog Article

Whoever said, “Don’t judge a book by its cover…” never met the Heritage Edition of The Saint John’s Bible, or the amazing people who bind this rare and wonderful work of sacred art. The binding, case, and box of the Heritage Edition are nothing short of a masterpiece—handmade with love… Read More

Continuing our Mission to Ignite the Spiritual Imagination

September 13, 2022 Blog Article

During August 2022, we took steps to more fully understand your engagement with The Saint John’s Bible to help us continue our mission to ignite the spiritual imagination of people around the world. We asked friends and Stewards to share thoughts and ideas about the Heritage Program through a short… Read More

Annual Update

July 21, 2022 Blog Article

Dear Friends, It is with deep gratitude and joy that I offer this mid-year update on the Heritage Program of The Saint John’s Bible. I’m pleased to report good news in virtually every area of our mission: to ignite the spiritual imagination of people around the world of all faith… Read More

Bringing the Word of God to Life through Illuminations

May 18, 2022 Blog Article

Wheaton College seized a special opportunity for collaboration, discovery, and celebration when the grand opening of their Armerding Center for Music and the Arts aligned with the joyful return of students, faculty, and the community to campus in the fall of 2021. And it was grand. A full year of… Read More

Holy Week 2022

April 14, 2022 Blog Article

Dear Friends & Stewards of The Heritage Edition, We have made our way through the season of Lent creating a “Margin of Grace” with help from The Saint John’s Bible.  Now we are in Holy Week and today is Maundy Thursday—the day we remember Jesus’ mandate that we love one… Read More

Week 6 – From The Margin: A Lenten Experience of The Saint John’s Bible

April 7, 2022 Video

“Moment of Beauty” Week 6: The Raising of Lazarus: Donald Jackson’s illumination of John 11:1-57 offers a stark visual contrast between the powers of darkness and death on the one hand, and the powers of light and new life on the other.   For an additional “Margin” experience:… Read More

Week 5 – From The Margin: A Lenten Experience of The Saint John’s Bible

March 31, 2022 Video

“Moment of Beauty” Week 5: Valley of the Dry Bones: Donald Jackson’s rendering of Ezekiel 37: 1-14 re-imagines the gap between the ways humans have invented to crush both one another and the earth and the Divine promise never to be parted from us.   For an additional “Margin” experience:… Read More

Week 4 – From The Margin: A Lenten Experience of The Saint John’s Bible

March 24, 2022 Video

“Moment of Beauty” Week 4: Suffering Servant: Donald Jackson’s searing illumination of Isaiah 52-53 in which the Suffering Servant portrayed echoes Jesus’s own silence as he is led to his accusers, tormentors, and eventually to his executioners.   For an additional “Margin” experience: “Visio Divina” Week 4:… Read More

Week 3 – From The Margin: A Lenten Experience of The Saint John’s Bible

March 17, 2022 Video

“Moment of Beauty” Week 3: Out of the Whirlwind He Will Wipe Away Every Tear: Thomas Ingmire’s illumination based on Job 38-42, is set to the music, “Resume” composed by Alex Hastings, and performed by the University of Portland Chamber Orchestra, conducted by Dr. Rebekah Hanson. The music was inspired… Read More

Week 2 – From The Margin: A Lenten Experience of The Saint John’s Bible

March 10, 2022 Video

“Moment of Beauty” Week 2: Elisha and the Six Miracles: Based on 2 Kings 4-6, Donald Jackson and Aidan Hart illuminate Elisha–dressed in the green robes of a priest–foreshadowing Jesus’s own miracles pf providing people’s essential needs: food, drink, healing, wholeness.   For an additional “Margin” experience:… Read More

Week 1 – From The Margin: A Lenten Experience of The Saint John’s Bible

March 3, 2022 Video

“Moment of Beauty” Week 1: Creation: Genesis 1:1-2, 4a. As we enter Lent, Donald Jackson’s illumination may remind us that God’s plan is the salvation of the entire created world.   For an additional “Margin” experience: “Visio Divina” Week 1: Suffering Servant: A visual contemplation of Isaiah… Read More

From the Margin: A Lenten Experience of The Saint John’s Bible

March 2, 2022 Video

Margins on a page are something that we can easily take for granted. But margins are what makes it possible for us to fully appreciate the thousands of columns of script and the hundreds of fantastic illuminations that lie between them in The Saint John’s Bible. Similarly, intentionally creating space… Read More

St. Benedict Center Retreats Offer Peace to People of Many Faiths

January 25, 2022 Blog Article

“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light for my path.”  In October 2020, the Benedictine community of Christ the King Priory, in Schuyler, Nebraska, blessed The Saint John’s Bible Heritage Edition in their St. Benedict Center, described as “an oasis of peace open to guests of all faiths.” The… Read More

Christmas 2021 – Bringing the Light

December 16, 2021 Blog Article

Dear Friend, It is my honor to greet you and to wish you and yours a blessed holiday season! For 30 years of pastoral ministry, a member of my family or I read the words of John 1:1-5 at the close every Christmas Eve service. In that spirit, I hope you’ll… Read More

St. Luke’s Video Celebrates Profound Experiences during A Year With The Saint John’s Bible

November 18, 2021 Blog Article

In this engaging video, St. Luke’s Parish in Darien, Connecticut, celebrates their profound experience during A Year With The Saint John’s Bible program. Read More

Welcoming Rev. Dr. John Ross to The Saint John’s Bible Heritage Program

October 22, 2021 Blog Article

“There’s a saying at Saint. John’s that we have irreplaceable people, but they need to be replaced,” says Rob Culligan, Vice President for Institutional Advancement. So, when Jim Triggs announced he was leaving his position as the Executive Director of The Saint John’s Bible Heritage Edition Program after 13 years… Read More

Reflections on a Decade of The Saint John’s Bible

July 22, 2021 Blog Article

Father Eric Hollas, OSB, recalls his first conversation with Donald Jackson about what would become The Saint John’s Bible. The year was 1995, and the two had just given a joint presentation on calligraphy at the Newberry Library in Chicago. Over lunch, Jackson raised “his life’s ambition, which was to… Read More

Celebrating Ten Years of The Saint John’s Bible

June 18, 2021 Blog Article

June 18, 2011, was a historic day for The Saint John’s Bible—the date that the final crosses were embossed on the page and the work of the Bible’s creators was complete. Now, on the tenth anniversary of that day, members of the Saint John’s community are looking back in reflection… Read More

The Heritage Edition Finds a Home with CEEP Network Parishes

May 25, 2021 Blog Article

What does an endowment mean for a church, and how can churches be the best stewards of their resources far into the future? Since the foundation of the Consortium of Endowed Episcopal Parishes in 1985, the organization has broadened its focus beyond traditional endowments to recognize that different kinds of… Read More

Handel’s “Messiah” Event Available Online

April 20, 2021 Blog Article

In a livestreamed event on April 8, London’s famous St. Martin-in-the-Fields church was host to a performance of Handel’s “Messiah,” complemented by projections of illuminations from The Saint John’s Bible on the church’s iconic east window. Those who missed the live event still have the opportunity to… Read More

St Martin-in-the-Fields presents Handel’s Messiah with Illuminations from The Saint John’s Bible

March 31, 2021 Blog Article

Followers of The Saint John’s Bible who are looking to extend their Easter celebrations this year have a special event to look forward to on Thursday, April 8. On that date, London’s famous St. Martin-in-the-Fields church will be the site of a streaming online performance of Handel’s “Messiah,” complemented by projections of… Read More

Christ’s Body in The Saint John’s Bible

March 10, 2021 Blog Article

How do contemporary Christians understand Jesus’ resurrection? What is the nature of Jesus’ appearances to his disciples after the crucifixion and resurrection, and what do these appearances mean? Also, is Jesus coming back? If so, will he come back in a historical body? In her book Jesus Risen in our… Read More

Gospel of John Frontispiece

Notre Dame’s Journey With The Saint John’s Bible: 2021

February 23, 2021 Blog Article

Developed by the McGrath Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame, this six-unit series allows you to explore the beauty and tradition of illuminated manuscripts, and unpack several illuminations from The Saint John’s Bible along with the Scripture passages they depict. You’ll also learn how to pray with Scripture and art… Read More

Op-ed Celebrates National Handwriting Day

January 23, 2021 Blog Article

Today is National Handwriting Day. To help celebrate the day, the Star Tribune was very gracious in publishing an op-ed written by Jim Triggs, executive director of The Saint John’s Bible Heritage Program.  We hope you enjoy it.  (Please click the link below.) Human Touch Endures in… Read More

Christmas Illuminated – 2020

December 18, 2020 Blog Article

For the 2020 edition of Christmas Illuminated, we invited students at Visitation High School in Mendota Heights, Minnesota, to reflect on Donald Jackson’s Birth of Christ illumination in the Gospels and Acts volume of The Saint John’s Bible Heritage Edition. Given all that has happened in 2020, these young voices of… Read More

Saint Benedict Center Welcomes The Saint John’s Bible

November 16, 2020 Blog Article

On its website, the Benedictine community of Christ the King Priory, in Schuyler, Nebraska, refers to their St. Benedict Center as “an oasis of peace open to visitors of all faiths.” Thanks to the generosity of Allen and Vivian Hager, this invitation “to all” makes the retreat center the perfect home… Read More

Illuminate Series: Sharing The Saint John’s Bible

September 24, 2020 Blog Article

The Illuminate Series was launched in two parts on Thursday, September 24, 2020. Part one is a presentation Tim Ternes, director of The Saint John’s Bible, gave at Wayzata Community Church on Friday, September 18, 2020, in Wayzata, Minnesota. Working with a small group from five Twin Cities churches, Tim… Read More

Illuminate Series Begins

September 16, 2020 Blog Article

The Heritage Program is excited to announce its new Illuminate Series.  This online lecture and webinar program allows Saint John’s and other institutions to share the best practices of using The Saint John’s Bible in academics, worship, healthcare, fine arts, and community outreach. Our first featured speaker is Tim Ternes.  Tim is the director… Read More

Illuminate Series Launches in September 2020

August 26, 2020 Blog Article

Because the Illuminate 2020 conference was canceled due to the pandemic, Saint John’s will offer a yearlong webinar and online presentation series for The Saint John’s Bible community.  Jim Triggs, executive director of the Heritage Program at Saint John’s University, provides an overview of the series.   In… Read More

First Person: The Bible Goes Digital During COVID-19

July 23, 2020 Blog Article

Saint Luke’s Parish is an Episcopal “community of faith, prayer, fellowship and service” based in Darien, Connecticut. Through Saint John’s University’s “A Year With The Saint John’s Bible” program, the parish scheduled a series of events, many of which coincided with the liturgical calendar.  In this latest edition of The… Read More

First Person: In Search of Rituals

May 7, 2020 Blog Article

Beyond the formal rituals that play an important role in our spiritual lives, the simple ones that are part of daily life help us through the day. For many of us, COVID-19 has derailed these rituals.  Our experience with students preparing to turn the pages of The Saint John’s Bible… Read More

Diana Bender livestreaming a reading from the Heritage Edition

Epiphany Parish Carries on with Good Friday Tradition Online

April 20, 2020 Blog Article

As the Covid-19 pandemic disrupts planned gatherings around the world, countless church communities have been asking themselves how they can best come together and carry on traditions remotely. At Epiphany Parish in Seattle, The Saint John’s Bible has played a helpful role in these efforts, serving as a familiar touchstone… Read More

Online Resources on The Saint John’s Bible

April 8, 2020 Blog Article

The Saint John’s Bible team at Saint John’s University has the honor of working with a large community of churches, universities, hospitals and families around the world. One of our partners recently asked us for a comprehensive list of online resources, which they could in turn offer their community. We… Read More

Donald Jackson at his home studio in Wales in 2019.

A Personal Christmas Greeting from Donald Jackson, Artistic Director of The Saint John’s Bible

December 13, 2019 Blog Article

Every year, Donald Jackson receives letters and cards from admirers – many from children – thanking him for the years of work it took to create this monumental Bible. Donald reads every single one. “It’s so refreshing to learn … how The Saint John’s Bible has actually touched their lives,” he says. Read More

Choir performance around The Saint John's Bible at St. Luke's Parish

Docents at St. Luke’s Parish Take on Stewardship of The Saint John’s Bible

October 3, 2019 Blog Article

Faith leaders play some of the most visible roles in their congregations – organizing programming, guiding creative methods of worship, and serving as a face for the church within their communities. But as the members of St. Luke’s Parish in Darien, Connecticut, have found over the past year, parishioners themselves can shine in these duties [...] Read More

Fr. Hilary Thimmesh Memorial – The Saint John's Bible

“Joy in Making, Joy in Being”: Remembering Fr. Hilary Thimmesh, OSB, 10th President of SJU

August 30, 2019 Blog Article

The Saint John’s community expresses its sympathy for the passing of Fr. Hilary Thimmesh, OSB, the 10th president of Saint John’s University, whose career highlighted a spirit of service that spanned more than seven decades. Originally an SJU student in 1946, Fr. Hilary served as professor, Dean and President over 73 years [...] Read More

Save the Date for Illuminate 2020, the First-Ever International Conference for The Saint John’s Bible Heritage Edition

August 1, 2019 Blog Article

More than 100 locations around the world use the Heritage Edition to ignite the spiritual imagination of their communities in creative and engaging ways. Illuminate 2020—the first-ever conference focused on those who own or host The Saint John’s Bible Heritage Edition—is the ideal forum to learn how others have shared… Read More

A Year with The Saint John's Bible Workshops at Saint John's University

Our 2-Day Workshop Explores How to Make the Most of the Heritage Edition

July 19, 2019 Blog Article

The possibilities for enhancing faith outreach with The Saint John’s Bible are nearly infinite. We believe that the more communities are informed about the creation of this Bible, the better they can use it to complement their mission. Our Workshops, one of our most engaging educational offerings, bring together hosts and owners of the Heritage Edition for a firsthand look at how The Saint John’s Bible was made, carefully replicated and used to reach communities across the world. Read More

Rev. Doyt Conn reading the Heritage Edition at Epiphany Parish – The Saint John's Bible

How The Saint John’s Bible Transformed Epiphany Parish’s Good Friday Readings

May 2, 2019 Blog Article

Epiphany Parish Seattle’s annual Holy Week Bible readings came alive in a new way, says church leadership, when they added The Saint John’s Bible to the event. Read More

Dr. Gintaras DUda and The Saint John's Bible

The God Question and a Theory of Everything: Two Scientific Perspectives on The Saint John’s Bible

April 4, 2019 Blog Article

Exploring the question of existence – the nature of being, “where” we come from and why – is a recurring sticking point between the worlds of faith and science. Ironically, it’s also the uniting ideological thread between the two: the idea that, with enough dedication and the right perspective, humans… Read More

200th anniversary of the Archdiocese of Saint Boniface

How Saint Boniface Brought The Saint John’s Bible to a Bilingual Audience to Celebrate 200 Years of Canadian Ministry

January 10, 2019 Blog Article

The Bible has been translated into some 1,500 languages – at least, in part. The Saint John’s Bible, however, is hand-penned in English, relying on the New Revised Standard Version translation to preserve the accuracy of the Word among various Christian denominations. But multilingual host communities are making an extra… Read More

The Saint John's Bible - The Genealogy of Jesus

How Does A Year With The Saint John’s Bible Work?

November 29, 2018 Blog Article

Many stories on this blog have featured communities participating in the Year with The Saint John’s Bible program. But how does this program actually work, and what do host communities gain from it? Saint John’s University has recently published new details about this unique program and the opportunities it offers… Read More

The Saint John's Bible at the Franciscan Renewal Center

Docents Nurture the Heritage Edition’s “Wow Factor” at Franciscan Renewal Center

October 25, 2018 Blog Article

One of the best ways of understanding any work of art is having a knowledgeable teacher who can guide our thinking, ask challenging questions, and help us discover and articulate our personal responses. At the Franciscan Renewal Center in Scottsdale, Arizona, fondly called the Casa, this philosophy is applied not… Read More

Heritage Edition Locations, Industries, Markets – The Saint John's Bible

The Heritage Edition’s Expanding Reach

September 27, 2018 Blog Article

The Saint John’s Bible continues to ignite spiritual imaginations around the world thanks to the Heritage Edition and the Year With The Saint John’s Bible program. Here is an update on the communities sharing The Saint John’s Bible Heritage Editions.* *The following information represents a partial list that does not… Read More

All Saints' Episcopal Church and the Heritage Edition – The Saint John's Bible

“The Beauty of Holiness” at All Saints’ Episcopal Church

August 23, 2018 Blog Article

The Rev. Poulson Reed, rector of All Saints’ Episcopal Church in Phoenix, Arizona, cites Psalm 96:9 when discussing how The Saint John’s Bible came to find a home at All Saints’. “Our Episcopal liturgy truly seeks to ‘worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness,’” he wrote. “Having the Heritage Edition… Read More

Former Archbishop of Canterbury joins CT parish for Heritage Edition event

July 10, 2018 Aside

Ahead of their upcoming A Year With The Saint John’s Bible, Saint Luke’s Parish in Darien, Connecticut, featured the Gospels & Acts volume of the Heritage Edition in their June 24 services. The visit from the Heritage Edition complemented an appearance by The Right Rev. Dr. Rowan Williams, the… Read More

Epiphany Parish Seattle Heritage Edition – The Saint John's Bible

Connected Through Time: Epiphany Seattle Acquires the Heritage Edition Years After Hosting

June 21, 2018 Blog Article

As an Episcopal congregation, Epiphany Parish in Seattle observes two foundational liturgical practices: the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Table. The former includes reading scripture, prayer, and sermons. The latter creates a more tangible space in which to experience the divine: “It’s mysterious,” according to The… Read More

The Cathedral of the Incarnation and the Heritage Edition – The Saint John's Bible

The Cathedral of the Incarnation Envisions the Future of Faith through the Heritage Edition

May 17, 2018 Blog Article

The Cathedral of the Incarnation in Garden City, New York, was founded in 1885 and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. With impressive Gothic architecture, stained glass windows and a 200-foot spire, the cathedral is the centerpiece of Garden City. Its staff feels a responsibility to make… Read More

George Fox University – The Saint John's Bible

George Fox University Uses The Saint John’s Bible to “Pique Our Social Conscience”

May 3, 2018 Blog Article

George Fox University in Newberg, Oregon, is heavily influenced by its Quaker roots. A layman’s understanding of Quaker values might be summed up in the words of Dr. Paul Anderson, professor of biblical and Quaker studies: “With a deep spiritual interest, Quakers are very plain and concerned with simplicity in… Read More

Hamilton Diocese Heritage Edition Concert – The Saint John's Bible

Hamilton Diocese receives full Heritage Edition, celebrates with free choir performances

April 19, 2018 Link

The Diocese of Hamilton in Hamilton, Ontario, will celebrate the reception of all seven volumes of the Heritage Edition with music inspired by The Saint John's Bible on Sunday, April 29, at Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King. Read More

The Saint John's Bible St Martin's

Using the Heritage Edition to Lower the Veil at Christ Church Charlotte

April 5, 2018 Blog Article

The Heritage Edition offers the opportunity to spread the artistry and message of The Saint John’s Bible. For Christ Church Charlotte, it also deepens a community’s connection with its own spiritual imagination. On April 2, Christ Church finished their extended six-month partnership as hosts of the Heritage Edition. “The driving… Read More

Jo and Bob White Saint John's Bible Memorial

Remembering Jo White, “The Mother of The Saint John’s Bible”

March 22, 2018 Aside

The Saint John’s community fondly remembers Jo (Alice Joan) White, the multi-talented artist known as “the mother of The Saint John’s Bible.” Jo passed away in February at the age of 87. As the founder of The Colleagues of Calligraphy, Jo created a community for calligraphers around the world to… Read More

Saint John's Bible Saint Patrick Hamilton Ontario

How the Diocese of Hamilton Created Unique Experiences to Connect with its Community

February 22, 2018 Blog Article

Bishop Douglas Crosby knew The Saint John’s Bible had a place in the Diocese of Hamilton in Ontario, Canada, long before it found its way there. The question the Diocese faced wasn’t “if” they would make a place for the Bible – it was “how.” Read More

St Louis Archdiocese

Making Unity Accessible in the Archdiocese of St. Louis

February 8, 2018 Blog Article

“When you start the Year with the Heritage Edition, the assumption is that after a year, the Bible goes back to Saint John’s,” said Nancy Werner, Chancellor of the Archdiocese of St. Louis. “It was always my hope that wouldn’t be the case for us.”

Ruth the Gleaner

Women of the Book

January 25, 2018 Aside

The University of Portland has been one of the most active and creative keepers of the Heritage Edition. Each year, the university presents new Saint

Cathedral of Saint Augustine

The Bible in St. Augustine, FL

January 24, 2018 Link

The Cathedral Basilica of St. Augustine in Florida, the site of the first parish church in North America, recently celebrated its 450th anniversary. What better place, then, to celebrate the arrival of the first handwritten Bible illuminated by Benedictines in over 500 years?

The Diocese of St. Augustine is participating in the Year With The Saint John’s Bible and, after series of events in the greater Jacksonville area, the cathedral in St. Augustine now has the Gospels & Acts volume on display. In addition, on February 21, Professor Jack Daniels, Th.D., will discuss the spread of the Gospel over time via the Sacred Scriptures.

To The Ends of The Earth

To the Ends of the Earth and Up 250 Miles

December 26, 2017 Aside

“To the Ends of the Earth” is an illumination you will find on the very last page of the Gospels and Acts volume of The

Saint John's Bible Gallery - SJU

Christmas 2017 – Illuminating the World

December 24, 2017 Video

We celebrate locations around the world that have made a home for The Saint John’s Bible. May the spirit of Christmas illuminate your world!

Christ Church Charlotte

Christ Church Illuminates Charlotte

December 20, 2017 Link

One of the most vibrant Bible study programs in the country can be found in Charlotte, North Carolina, at Christ Church. Each week, hundreds of