A Year with The Saint John's Bible

Permanently Acquiring the Heritage Edition e potential for outreach and connection through e Saint John’s Bible doesn’t end after 365 days. During their Year with e Saint John’s Bible , many institutions engage in an acquisition campaign to fund the permanent purchase of the seven-volume Heritage Edition. Saint John’s University will provide the support you need in your fundraising e®orts. At any point during or after your Year with e Saint John’s Bible , you may decide to purchase your copy of the Heritage Edition, at which point your program fee is applied toward the acquisition. Limited to 299 sets, each Heritage Edition includes the following seven volumes: | VOLUME 1: PENTATEUCH | VOLUME 2: HISTORICAL BOOKS | VOLUME 3: WISDOM BOOKS | VOLUME 4: PSALMS | VOLUME 5: PROPHETS | VOLUME 6: GOSPELS & ACTS | VOLUME 7: LETTERS & REVELATION 16 All of e Saint John’s Bible illuminations and images shown on these pages are the property of Saint John’s University, Collegeville, MN, USA. Copyright 2018. Unauthorized use is prohibited. All rights reserved.