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October Round-Up: New Homes for Heritage and Apostles Editions

Eight new institutions welcomed editions of The Saint John’s Bible into their permanent collections during September and October.

His Eminence Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York, shares St. Patrick’s Cathedral’s Apostles Edition of The Saint John’s Bible with stewards.

The Heritage Program is thrilled to announce that eight institutions across the world have acquired editions of The Saint John’s Bible in the fall of 2024. In addition to new placements at Durham Cathedral, St. David’s Cathedral, and The Royal Library at Windsor Castle in early September, five more institutions are now permanent homes for Heritage and Apostles Editions of The Saint John’s Bible. These include:

St. Olaf College: Northfield, Minnesota

St. Olaf goes on a pilgrimage to Collegeville, MN to receive their Heritage Edition.
St. Olaf goes on a pilgrimage to Collegeville, MN to receive their Heritage Edition.

On September 24, 2024, representatives from St. Olaf College, a private, four-year liberal arts college, made the two-hour pilgrimage to Saint John’s University to pick up their Heritage Edition of The Saint John’s Bible and bring it home to Northfield, Minnesota. In addition to the Heritage Edition, the College will be acquiring a Torah scroll and an illuminated Quran as part of its “Sacred Text Initiative.” St. Olaf plans to use all three religious texts for education, research, and community building.

St. Patrick’s Cathedral: New York City, New York

St. Patrick’s Cathedral blessed its Apostles Edition during a private ceremony on September 30, 2024.
St. Patrick’s Cathedral blessed its Apostles Edition during a private ceremony on September 30, 2024.

St. Patrick’s Cathedral introduced an Apostles Edition of The Saint John’s Bible to its permanent collection during a moving private ceremony on September 30, 2024. The Cathedral debuted its Apostles Edition to the public during a joyous mass on October 13, 2024. Click here to watch the Apostles Edition in Sunday mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral.

St. Patrick’s claimed the seventh Apostles Edition out of only 12 in existence, joining the Library of Congress, the Vatican Museum of Art, Lambeth Palace Library, and others in serving as a permanent home for this work of sacred art and Scripture. There are only five left.

Sewanee: The University of the South: Sewanee, Tennessee

Bruce Culver, Elaine Culver, Brad Neary, Jennie Turrell, The Very Rev. James Turrell, Vice Provost & Dean, at a special celebration for Sewanee: The University of the South acquiring a Heritage Edition.
Bruce Culver, Elaine Culver, Brad Neary, Jennie Turrell, The Very Rev. James Turrell, Vice Provost & Dean, at a special celebration for Sewanee: The University of the South acquiring a Heritage Edition.

On October 1, following a 72-hour Miqra (a public reading of Scripture), Sewanee: The University of the South marked the occasion of acquiring a Heritage Edition. That evening, the University blessed and dedicated a Heritage Edition during an Evensong service in the University’s Chapel of the Apostles. This is the 11th set generously gifted by Elaine and Bruce Culver through the Catharine Elizabeth Laney Trust. The set now resides in a stunning display case in the beautiful new Reading Room of the School of Theology’s Hamilton Hall. The University plans to put the volumes to immediate use aiding the studies of the School of Theology’s Divinity Students as well as those at the undergraduate level.

“It was in the Reading Room that one of my favorite Sewanee memories was made,” said Heritage Program Director Brad Neary, who was in attendance at the event. “The Culvers and I had just been escorted into the space by Romulus Stefanut, the School of Theology’s gracious head librarian. As we were admiring the placement of the case/set, a second-year Master of Divinity student, Ryan, entered. Despite having had only limited experience (4 days, to be exact!) with the gift, Ryan began describing to me – in impressive detail – just how the Heritage Edition had been produced and how excited he was to have it as a critical resource during the remainder of his education. It was in that moment that the Culvers knew – without any doubt – that this set had found a worthy and appropriate permanent home.”

Duke University Divinity School: Durham, North Carolina

Duke Chapel, interior.
Duke Chapel, interior.

Duke University Divinity School welcomed a Heritage Edition of The Saint John’s Bible with a series of celebratory events on Thursday, October 3, 2024, including a morning worship service, an interactive lecture with Tim Ternes, director of The Saint John’s Bible, and an evening celebration service and reception. In addition to Duke University and Chapel, the Duke Hospital and Duke Law School all have plans to use volumes to serve their unique settings. This Heritage Edition will be used in research, teaching, sacred worship, and community engagement at the University for centuries to come.

Dakota Wesleyan University: Mitchell, South Dakota

Dakota Wesleyan University welcomed its Heritage Edition to campus with pomp. The October 9, 2024, celebration included docent training; a public blessing and worship service attended by local clergy, the University Board, and the benefactors of the Bible; a reception with page turning; and a celebration dinner. Dakota Wesleyan University became the first institution in South Dakota to add a Heritage Edition to its permanent collection.

The Saint John’s Bible

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