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Annual Update

The Heritage Program

Dear Friends,

It is with deep gratitude and joy that I offer this mid-year update on the Heritage Program of The Saint John’s Bible. I’m pleased to report good news in virtually every area of our mission: to ignite the spiritual imagination of people around the world of all faith journeys. I use the words “good news” intentionally, as each of the following areas of my update are framed by good NEWS: New Stewards, New Ideas, New Leadership, …and it’s all good!

9—New Heritage Edition Stewards in 2022
11—Congregations presently in the “YEAR” program
67—On-campus “Deep Dive” workshop participants
147—Heritage Editions placed worldwide

New Stewards

Jim & Georgia will share their Heritage Edition with family and friends before donating it to Georgia’s alma mater.

In the first half of 2022 we added nine new Stewards to the Heritage Program: four new communities and five individual families. We enthusiastically welcome these new Stewards and their leaders!

  • The First Presbyterian Church (Naples, Florida)
  • St. Luke Episcopal Church (Darien, Connecticut)
  • The Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration (Dallas, Texas)
  • Holy Name Catholic Church (Steamboat Springs, Colorado)

Five families have chosen to enjoy the majesty of The Saint John’s Bible in the privacy of their own home before donating it to a church or university. Through this path of acquisition, we are finding a special “double blessing” among families who acquire a Heritage Edition as a tool for personal spiritual growth, but then turn that blessing into a legacy-building gift to a treasured institution. If you know an individual or family seeking to establish a Biblical legacy across generations, let us know or invite them to contact me directly.

Worthy of mention are the three “Deep Dive” workshops we’ve hosted on campus in 2022—with two more yet to come. Through these powerful experiences we foster community, education, and training for new Stewards and those considering acquisition.

The new Heritage Program Office Studio is used for our Deep-Dive participant gatherings. Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration, Dallas, joined us earlier this year for a Deep-Dive workshop.

New Ideas

Fulfilling our mission to “ignite the spiritual imagination of people around the world” demands that we continue to pursue new ideas about how to SHARE it…so we will be inviting you to share your ideas with us through a survey later this month. We’ll express our gratitude to those who respond with a special gift!

Moving away from the “YEAR with the Saint John’s Bible”, we are developing shorter and more affordable programs through which communities can experience the impact of the Heritage Edition—from visits as brief as an “Evening” to months-long visits that align with liturgical seasons. Starting this fall, we will be ready to customize an experience to any setting seriously considering acquisition.

Finally, we are actively exploring ways to place the sacred Word and art of the Heritage Edition into underserved communities and in the presence of marginalized peoples. From the very beginning, this masterpiece was intended to be a gift to the whole world—not only those of privilege. If you and/or your team would like to join us in this effort, please contact me directly.

New Leadership

Lisa Vievering
Lisa Vievering, Executive Assistant

Aside from my arrival as the new Executive Director, we have also welcomed Lisa Vievering, Executive Assistant and Brad Neary, Director, now joins our team full-time. Lisa and Brad round out our terrific team with their unique gifts. I want to thank my predecessor, Jim Triggs, for his guidance and support. Good luck, Jim!

Brad Neary
Brad Neary, Director

Click here to read more and to meet the whole Heritage Program Team.

We welcome in a special way the new President of CSB/SJU, Brian Bruess, PhD. Dr. Bruess brings a tremendous skill set for leadership in these unique days of higher education, but also a deep appreciation and understanding of The Saint John’s Bible and the Heritage Program. (Click here to read more and to meet Brian.)

My enduring thanks goes to longtime team members Rob Culligan, Fr. Eric Hollas, Tim Ternes, and the whole Institutional Advancement team! It is a pleasure and a privilege to join this team of faithful and talented people.

On behalf of our entire team, thank you for your part in bringing the Bible to life through the mission of The Saint John’s Bible Heritage Program. We stand ready to support you in any way we can–just let us know how.

“Behold, I am making all things new!” (Revelation 21:5)


Rev. Dr. John F. Ross, Executive Director

P.S. Watch your Inbox for a survey coming from me soon. If you take just a few minutes to fill it out, I’ll send you a set of our popular Folio Note Cards as a thank you—a $21.95 value.